
About Tamara Lawless

Trust, patience, and honesty are cornerstones of Tamara promises to her clients, built over an extensive twenty years within commercial roles. Combine her considerable talent in producing exceptional marketing campaigns and her unwavering focus and you are guaranteed excellent results and an experience to look back on positively.

At her happiest building relationships, Tamara thrives on the one-on-one engagement and works tirelessly towards the end goal. A selfless over-servicer, she connects with her clients by uncovering the ‘why’, grounding every experience with her clients' unique motivations and circumstances.
As a focus for her drive, energy and passion, real estate is a clear winner; in particular those lucky enough to experience her personal touch and unique brand of strategy, presentation and negotiation. Getting excited about her client’s property goals and helping them turn it into a reality is what she gains the most satisfaction from.
Tamara is a long-standing member of the local community, raising her family in ‘The Forest’, with her children attending local schools and actively participating in the various sporting clubs. Her comprehensive knowledge of the area and the greater Northern Beaches market, allows her to provide insightful knowledge and expertise for both buyers and sellers.

Tamara Lawless's Properties

Sales Appraisal

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